choose your filling wisely

Yes, it is important to choose a filling material that has properties equivalent to the missing toothstructure in order to ensure a long-lasting restoration.This is because the filling material needs to be able to withstand the forces of chewing and biting, aswell as resist wear and tear over time.When a filling material is chosen that…

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ज्या रुग्णाला दात घासण्याची, घासण्याची किंवा खाण्याची सवय होती. यामुळे डोकेदुखी, दात संवेदनशीलता आणि खराब झालेले किंवा खराब झालेले दात यासह विविध लक्षणे दिसू शकतात. नखे चावणे देखील या स्थितीत योगदान देऊ शकते. Before Treatment दातांना होणारे आणखी नुकसान टाळण्यासाठी आणि TMJ डिसऑर्डर सारख्या अधिक गंभीर परिस्थिती निर्माण होण्याचा धोका कमी करण्यासाठी रात्री दातखाणे लवकर…

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Interceptive treatment for tooth wear

Had patient which had the habit of grinding, clenching or gnashing teeth. This can cause a variety of symptoms, including headaches, tooth sensitivity, and worn or damaged teeth. Nail biting can also contribute to this condition. It’s important to address bruxism early on to prevent further damage to the teeth and reduce the risk of…

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Mrs patil 65 year-old woman, had been struggling with lower mobile teeth for some time. She had visited several dentists in the past, but all of them advised her to extract the affected teeth and replace them with dental implants. However, Mrs. Patil was not comfortable with the idea of having a surgical procedure and…

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wisdom tooth extraction

wisdom tooth usually should be removed if they have erupted in mouth and causing food lodgement in adjusten tooth They usually don’t erupt straight, they are tilted cause problems in complete seating of joint distrub synchronization of joints , muscle and teeth they should be removed before they are badly destroyed because again removal became…

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Flouride application

“Doctor I have many of my teeth filled and capped , I don’t want my son to suffer the same ” came mrs pange saying I said yes we can do , if we do flouride applications at age of 4 yrs once all milk are there in mouth , then repeat it one by…

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Happy smiles

This wonderful patient presented to me with repeated front teeth filling chipping off ,was not able to bite anything from front teeth so she used avoid eating in public food like pizza, panipuri , apple , corn . Her gums used bleeds while brushing teeth . one day before her interview she broke off her…

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Cavities when treated on time can further prevent teeth from going to root canal treatment Cavities nothing but deminerlisation of teeth which can be prevented with 1) flouride treatment at early age 2) use of fibrous food which also provide roughages 3) avoiding sugary drinks and acidic food

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