Thumbs sucking

Thumb sucking should not go beyond six to eight years of age. Otherwise, the child runs the risk of having an effect on the oral cavity or the teeth. What does it affect? -High arched palate-Labially positioned maxillary incisors-Lingually positioned mandibular incisors-Infection from communicable diseases-Social implications:- Children who continue to suck their thumbs into older…

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Stopping mouth breathing is probably one of the simplest and most powerful health practices you can perform for yourself. Just a warning, it’s not easy to. For very few, consciously reverting back to nasal breathing is a quick fix, but for most, our body’s are used to this survival mechanism. Personally, I found there are…

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Tooth Wear

Tooth wear is first sign of occlusal disease , tooth wear indicates that breakdown had started in masticatory system . If these signs are treated early complex problems & early loss of teeth due to fractures and mobility can be solved. Frequent headaches can interfere with the quality of life all you experience pain that…

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